Protocols to Strengthen & Pain Proof Your Back

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In this episode, I explain how to strengthen and build a stable, pain-free back and how to reduce or eliminate existing back pain. I explain the anatomy and physiology of the spinal cord and vertebrae, intervertebral disks and nerve pathways, and the abdominal and back muscles that together can be leveraged to stabilize the back. 

Then, I describe protocols: “McGill’s Big 3” exercises, a highly effective psoas stretch, abdominal stabilization, breathing techniques, and protocols to reinforce essential supports for the back, including the neck, pelvis, feet, and toes. 

I also explain how you can reduce and potentially eliminate back pain and sciatica using a specific type of bar hang, “cobra push-ups,” medial-glute strengthening exercises, and more. 

Back pain greatly impedes one’s ability to enjoy daily activities; this episode provides zero-cost, minimal time-investment protocols to improve your back strength and stability and allow you to move through life pain-free and with ease and mobility. 


Huberman Lab Episodes Mentioned

People Mentioned

Sean Wheeler, MD

Stuart M. McGill, PhD

Kelly Starrett, DPT

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  • 00:00:00 Back Health
  • 00:03:47 Sponsors: AeroPress, Joovv & Waking Up
  • 00:07:57 Back Anatomy: Spine, Vertebrae, Spinal Cord
  • 00:12:07 Spinal Cord & Nerves; Herniated Discs
  • 00:19:50 Build Strong Pain-Free Back; Bulging Discs
  • 00:24:26 Back Pain & Professional Evaluation; Tool: Spine Self-Assessment
  • 00:34:58 Sponsor: AG1
  • 00:36:29 Tool: McGill Big 3 Exercises, Curl-Up
  • 00:44:40 Tool: McGill Big 3 Exercises, Side Plank
  • 00:53:13 Tool: McGill Big 3 Exercises, Bird Dog; Back Pain
  • 01:04:10 Sponsor: Plunge
  • 01:05:37 Tool: Back Pain & Oreo Analogy, Bar Hang
  • 01:10:34 Time & Back Pain; Tool: Reversing Disc Herniation, Cobra Push-Ups
  • 01:21:28 Sciatica, Referred Pain, Herniated Disc
  • 01:24:21 Tool: Improve Spine Stability, Strengthen Neck
  • 01:29:23 Tools: Strengthen Feet, Toe Spreading
  • 01:34:35 Tools: Belly Breathing; Stagger Stance
  • 01:42:03 Tools: Relieve Low Back Pain, Medial Glute Activation; Rolled Towel
  • 01:50:59 Tool: Psoas Stretching
  • 01:57:00 Tool: Back Awareness; Strengthen & Pain-Proof Back
  • 02:05:49 Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Momentous, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter

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