Guest EpisodeGuest Episode
September 16, 2024

Esther Perel: How to Find, Build & Maintain Healthy Romantic Relationships

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In this episode, my guest is Esther Perel, a world-renowned psychotherapist, relationship expert, and bestselling author. She explains healthy romantic relationship dynamics and how to achieve them. The answer includes curiosity not just about the other person but, more importantly, about who we can evolve into through healthy relating.

Esther explains the fundamental differences and challenges in relationships formed at different stages of life. We also discuss relationship conflict and how to give and receive a true apology.

Additionally, we discuss fidelity, breaches of trust, reviving relationships, and tools for understanding your needs regarding love and desire in a relationship. The episode will help listeners understand the key elements to find, build, and revive deeply satisfying romantic relationships.



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About this Guest

Esther Perel

Esther Perel is a psychotherapist, relationship expert and bestselling author who specializes in couples and modern relationships.

  • 00:00:00 Esther Perel
  • 00:02:03 Sponsors: David Protein, LMNT & Helix Sleep
  • 00:06:33 Romantic Relationships, Change & Self
  • 00:11:18 Cornerstone vs. Capstone Relationships, Age Differences
  • 00:16:53 Young vs. Older Couples, Dynamic Relationships
  • 00:20:13 Identity & Relationship Evolution
  • 00:26:00 Curiosity, Reactivity
  • 00:30:29 Sponsor: AG1
  • 00:31:59 Polarization, Conflict; Coherence & Narratives
  • 00:38:21 Apologies, Forgiveness, Shame, Self-Esteem
  • 00:45:00 Relationship Conflict
  • 00:53:48 Sponsor: Function
  • 00:55:35 Verb States of Conflict; Emotion, Narratives vs. Reality
  • 01:00:10 Time Domains & Hurt; Caretaker & Romantic Relationships
  • 01:08:03 Couples Therapy; Language & Naming
  • 01:20:15 Sexuality in Relationships
  • 01:26:20 Tool: Love & Desire, Sexuality
  • 01:31:28 Infidelity, “Aliveness”
  • 01:35:17 Intimacy, Abandonment, Self-Preservation
  • 01:41:26 Erotic Blueprints, Emotional Needs
  • 01:49:42 Tool: Repair Work, Relationship Revival; Sincere Apologies
  • 01:59:30 Tool: Relationship Readiness
  • 02:03:33 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter

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