Dr. Stuart McGill: Build a Strong, Pain-Proof Back
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In this episode, my guest is Dr. Stuart McGill, Ph.D., a distinguished professor emeritus of spine biomechanics at the University of Waterloo and a world expert on spine anatomy and physiology, back pain, and rehabilitation. We discuss the most common sources of back pain, how back pain can be assessed (including self-assessment techniques), and how to design a personalized recovery plan to reduce back pain.
We discuss how to train for lifelong fitness, reduce injury risk, and protect your back and joints based on your age and personal goals. We also discuss how to prevent back pain, build core stability, and explain how “McGill’s Big 3” exercises protect and strengthen the back. Dr. McGill, who is exceptionally fit in his late 60s, describes his low-time investment, personal training routine, and the specific exercises he uses for mobility, strength, and cardiovascular fitness.
We also discuss controversial issues in the back pain and rehabilitation field, including how pain originates, the biopsychosocial model of pain, and treatments such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP). This episode provides clear, actionable tools to strengthen, prevent, and remedy back pain and injury so you can be pain-free while enjoying sports, exercise, and daily activities at any age.
- The Lost Art of Running: A Journey to Rediscover the Forgotten Essence of Human Movement
- Gift of Injury
- Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder
- Low Back Disorders: Evidence-Based Prevention and Rehabilitation
- Back Mechanic by Dr. Stuart McGill
- Heavyhands: The Ultimate Exercise
Other Resources
- Strengthen & Pain-Proof Your Back: The McGill Method (Huberman Lab Clips)
- LumbAir Pillows
- Lower back pain: causes, treatment, and prevention of lower back injuries and pain (The Drive episode)
- Neck Exercises that KILL Your Neck (Athlean-X)
- Find a McGill Method Master Clinician
- Find a McGill Method Certified Practitioner
Huberman Lab Episodes Mentioned
Peopled Mentioned
- Brian Carroll: world record holder for squat, author
- Blaine Sumner: powerlifting champion
- Michael Johnson: Olympic sprinter
- John Brookfield: strength athlete, author
- Andrew Lock: strength education consultant

About this Guest
Dr. Stuart McGill
Stuart McGill, Ph.D. is a distinguished professor of spine biomechanics at the University of Waterloo and a world expert on spine anatomy and physiology, back pain, and rehabilitation.
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