Dr. Ethan Kross: How to Control Your Inner Voice & Increase Your Resilience

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In this episode, my guest is Dr. Ethan Kross, Ph.D., professor of psychology at the University of Michigan, director of the Emotion & Self-Control Laboratory, and author of the bestselling book Chatter. We discuss the purpose of the inner voice in your head and its impact on emotional well-being and motivation.

We also explore practical tools to manage negative internal chatter and eliminate intrusive thoughts. Topics include how music, exercise, mental distancing techniques, and expressive writing can help rescript your inner dialogue to be self-encouraging and effective in creating outward behavioral changes. Dr. Kross explains why venting to others is self-defeating and offers better alternatives. Throughout the episode, he provides research-supported, actionable protocols to help you shift your internal dialogue and accompanying emotional state, fostering greater happiness and resilience.



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About this Guest

Dr. Ethan Kross

Ethan Kross, Ph.D., is a professor of psychology at the University of Michigan, director of the Emotion and Self Control Laboratory, and the bestselling author of the book Chatter.

  • 00:00:00 Dr. Ethan Kross
  • 00:02:45 Sponsors: ExpressVPN & Eight Sleep
  • 00:05:38 Inner Voice & Benefits
  • 00:10:33 Music & Emotions
  • 00:15:09 Shifting Emotions, Emotional Congruency, Facial Expressions
  • 00:20:25 Resistance to Shifting Emotion; Tool: Invisible Support, Affectionate Touch
  • 00:27:16 Tool: Expressive Writing; Sensory Shifters
  • 00:30:41 Sponsors: AG1 & Joovv
  • 00:33:27 Inner Voice Benefits, Thinking vs. Writing, Tool: Journaling
  • 00:44:01 Decision Making, Individualization; Tool: Exercise
  • 00:50:24 “Chatter,” Trauma, Depression, Anxiety
  • 00:54:37 Sponsor: Function
  • 00:56:25 Tool: Combating Chatter, Mental Distancing; Distraction & Social Media
  • 01:04:30 Tools: 2 AM Chatter Strategy, Mental Time Travel; Venting
  • 01:13:41 Time, Chatter & Flow
  • 01:18:01 Focusing on Present, Mental Time Travel
  • 01:22:49 Texting, Social Media, Sharing Emotions
  • 01:28:31 AI & Individualized Tools for Emotional Regulation
  • 01:33:07 Imaginary Friend, Developing Inner Voice; Negative Emotions
  • 01:40:20 Tool: Nature & Cognitive Restoration; Awe; Screens, Modifying Spaces
  • 01:49:34 Cities vs. Nature, Organizing Space & Compensatory Control
  • 01:56:00 Emotional Regulation & Shifters, Screens
  • 02:01:19 Historical Approaches to Manage Emotions; Motivation & Mental Tools
  • 02:10:12 Mechanical & Behavioral Interventions, Emotional Regulation
  • 02:15:52 Tool: Stop Intrusive Voices; Anxiety
  • 02:21:55 Assessing Risk & Consequence; Flow & Cognitive Engagement
  • 02:31:02 “Cognitive Velocity”; Resetting
  • 02:36:43 Transition States, Tool: Goal Pursuit & WOOP
  • 02:43:59 Attention, Emotional Flexibility; Avoidance
  • 02:54:15 Emotional Contagion
  • 03:00:22 Validating Emotions, Wisdom; Shift Book
  • 03:06:59 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter

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