How to Increase Your Willpower & Tenacity

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In this episode, I discuss neuroscience and psychology studies that address the basis of willpower and tenacity, how they differ from motivation and how we can all increase our levels of willpower and tenacity. I discuss whether willpower is a limited resource, the controversial “ego depletion” theory of willpower and the role that beliefs play in determining our tenacity and willpower. Then I discuss the neural basis of willpower in the brain and body and how tenacity and willpower relate to sleep, stress, focus and possibly to lifespan. Then, I provide a series of science-supported tools and protocols to increase your level of tenacity and willpower.


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  • 00:00:00 Tenacity & Willpower
  • 00:01:19 Sponsors: Maui Nui & Helix Sleep
  • 00:03:49 Tenacity & Willpower vs. Habit Execution; Apathy, Depression & Motivation
  • 00:10:40 Ego Depletion & Willpower as a Limited Resource; Controversy
  • 00:19:14 Tool: Autonomic Function, Tenacity & Willpower; Sleep & Stress
  • 00:28:02 Sponsor: AG1
  • 00:28:58 Willpower as a Limited Resource (Theory)
  • 00:35:36 Willpower & Glucose, Brain Energetics
  • 00:42:44 Beliefs about Willpower & Glucose; Multiple Challenges
  • 00:52:43 Sponsor: LMNT
  • 00:54:01 Willpower Brain ‘Hub’; Anorexia Nervosa, Super-Agers
  • 01:07:15 Anterior Midcingulate Cortex & Brain/Body Communication
  • 01:14:54 Allostasis, Anterior Midcingulate Cortex Function
  • 01:25:19 Anterior Mid-Cingulate Cortex (aMCC), Difficult Tasks & Neuroplasticity
  • 01:29:30 Tool: Novel Physical Exercise & Brain; Cognitive Exercise
  • 01:43:43 Tool: “Micro-sucks”, Increase Tenacity/Willpower
  • 01:50:58 Impossible Tasks, Super-Agers & Learning, Will to Live
  • 01:57:23 Tool: Rewards & Improving Tenacity/Willpower
  • 02:01:07 Tenacity & Willpower Recap
  • 02:05:55 Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Momentous, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter

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