Dr. Matthew Hill: How Cannabis Impacts Health & the Potential Risks

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In this episode, my guest is Dr. Matthew Hill, Ph.D., a professor of cell biology and anatomy at the Hotchkiss Brain Institute at the University of Calgary and an expert on the biology of cannabis. We discuss how cannabis affects the brain to produce its psychoactive effects (feeling “high”), including altered time perception, focus, memory, appetite, and stress.

We discuss how THC vs. cannabidiol (CBD) affects the brain, the effects of different routes of cannabis administration (e.g., smoking, vaping, edibles), high-potency THC, and whether cannabis is addictive. We discuss if there is a link between cannabis use and the development of psychosis, anxiety, bipolar depression, or schizophrenia.

We discuss whether CBD has clinical benefits in regulating stress, promoting sleep, and treating certain diseases. We also discuss if there are real and consistent differences in the biological effects of different cannabis strains, if cannabis impacts hormones, and the uses of cannabis for the management of pain, stress, Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and nausea.

Listeners of this episode will get an up-to-date understanding of what is currently known about how cannabis affects the brain and body, including both its potential benefits and risks.


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People Mentioned

  • Leah Mayo: Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, University of Calgary
  • Markus Heilig: Professor of Neuropsychiatry, Linköping University
  • Carrie Cuttler: Associate Professor of Psychology, Washington State University
  • Kent Hutchison: Professor of Psychology, University of Colorado Boulder
  • Angela Bryan: Professor of Psychology, University of Colorado Boulder
  • Cinnamon Bidwell: Clinical psychologist, University of Colorado Boulder
  • Ryan McLaughlin: Assistant Professor of Integrative Physiology, Washington State University
  • Ziva Cooper: Professor of Psychiatry, University of California Los Angeles
  • Cecilia Hillard: Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Medical College of Wisconsin
  • Donald Tashkin: Pulmonologist, University of California Los Angeles
  • Sachin Patel: Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Northwestern Medicine

About this Guest

Dr. Matthew Hill

Matthew Hill, Ph.D., is a professor of cell biology and anatomy at the Hotchkiss Brain Institute at the University of Calgary and an expert on the biology of cannabis.

  • 00:00:00 Dr. Matthew Hill
  • 00:00:00 Sponsors: Eight Sleep, LMNT & BetterHelp
  • 00:07:16 Cannabis, THC, Cannabidiol (CBD), Terpenes
  • 00:12:08 Psychoactive Effects, Cannabis “High”; Time Perception
  • 00:16:55 Cannabis & Brain, CB1 Receptor, Endocannabinoids
  • 00:26:19 Endocannabinoids Types: Anandamide, 2-AG
  • 00:33:46 “Munchies”, Cannabis & Appetite
  • 00:42:17 Sponsor: AG1
  • 00:44:06 THC & Anandamide, Pharmacology
  • 00:52:37 THC & CB1 Receptors, Intoxication & Appetite
  • 00:58:57 Cannabis & Focus, Memory
  • 01:04:09 Routes of Administration, Concentration, Cannabis Research
  • 01:15:12 Self-Regulation, Inhalation & THC, Tolerance; THC Concentrates
  • 01:22:25 Sponsor: InsideTracker
  • 01:23:36 Addiction & Cannabis, Cannabis Use Disorder
  • 01:31:30 Cannabis Legalization & Use, Edibles & ER Visits
  • 01:36:48 Oral Consumption, Edibles, Dosing & Time Course
  • 01:41:12 Drug Testing & Cannabis, Exercise
  • 01:46:04 Cannabis & Hormones, Gynecomastia, Sperm Quality
  • 01:54:37 Cannabis & Pregnancy; Selling Recreational Cannabis
  • 02:04:07 Vaping
  • 02:07:05 Psychosis, Anxiety & Cannabis
  • 02:17:17 Cannabis, Psychosis, Schizophrenia & Genetics
  • 02:30:45 Cannabis Use & Schizophrenia, Manic Bipolar, THC Potency, Nicotine
  • 02:40:37 Schizophrenia, Cannabis Legalization
  • 02:45:06 Cannabis Strains, Indica, Sativa, Subjective Effects & Expectancy Bias
  • 02:57:00 CBD, Pediatric Epilepsy, Adenosine
  • 03:07:22 Entourage Effect; Placebo Effect, CBD & Doses
  • 03:19:12 Cannabis Health Risks, Cardiovascular Risk, Schizophrenia
  • 03:27:08 Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome & Hot Shower
  • 03:31:30 Cannabis Benefits: Pain, Stress, Anxiety, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • 03:40:18 Cannabis & Anxiety, Anandamide & Stress Response
  • 03:45:55 Scientific Discussion, Clarification & Advancement
  • 03:49:47 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter

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