Guest Episode
August 5, 2024

Dr. Martha Beck: Access Your Best Self With Mind-Body Practices, Belief Testing & Imagination

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In this episode, my guest is Dr. Martha Beck, Ph.D., a Harvard-trained sociologist, bestselling author, and one of the world’s foremost experts on personal exploration and development.

Dr. Beck shares specific frameworks and practices to tap into your unique and deepest desires, core truths, and best life direction—all elements that comprise your authentic self. She also explains how to align your work and relationships of all kinds with your true self and how to embrace the discomfort and process of leaving unhealthy relationships.

We discuss how to deal with negative thoughts and emotions, grapple with societal norms, and improve body awareness to gauge your inner truth. We also discuss codependency and self-abandonment - and how to exit and recover from these experiences.

By the end of the episode, you will have learned numerous practical tools to access your best self and live a richly fulfilling life.


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About this Guest

Dr. Martha Beck

Martha Beck, Ph.D., is a Harvard-trained sociologist, bestselling author, and world expert on personal development.

  • 00:00:00 Dr. Martha Beck
  • 00:01:34 Sponsors: BetterHelp, Helix Sleep & LMNT
  • 00:05:34 Tool: Perfect Day Exercise
  • 00:15:31 “Clear Eyed”, Male vs. Female
  • 00:23:31 Family & Work; Directed Attention & Miracles
  • 00:30:21 Sponsor: AG1
  • 00:32:10 Unease, Restlessness & Guilt; Life Worth, Fear
  • 00:37:22 Accessing the Subconscious; Compassionate Witness Self
  • 00:46:16 Finding Self, Suffering, Anxiety; Tool: “KIST”, Self-Parenting
  • 00:54:01 Self, Radiance, Death; Awakening
  • 00:59:14 Suffering & Compassionate Attention
  • 01:02:10 Challenging Internal Thoughts, Understanding Truth, Body & Mind;
  • 01:08:44 Sponsor: Waking Up
  • 01:10:20 Western Society & Pressure
  • 01:18:30 Tool: Sensing Truth in Body; Meditation, “Stopping the World”
  • 01:25:02 Energy, Magnetoreception, Pet’s Death
  • 01:33:49 Lying to Ourselves, Addiction
  • 01:38:18 Tool: “Integrity Cleanse”, Lies; The Light
  • 01:47:32 Relationship with Loss; Love, Self-Abandonment & Codependency
  • 01:55:10 Romantic Relationships; Jobs & Family
  • 02:02:06 Hurting Others, Relationship Imbalance
  • 02:06:55 Tool: True Empathy
  • 02:11:26 “Happiness is an Inside Job”, Codependency
  • 02:18:58 Live Your Joy, Western Society
  • 02:24:41 Relationships, Love & Integrity, “Feeling Good By Looking Weird”
  • 02:30:42 “I Like It!”, Punk Rock Music, Love
  • 02:34:24 Honesty & Essential Self; Helping People & Healers
  • 02:42:12 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter

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