Guest Episode
March 10, 2025

Improve Focus with Behavioral Tools & Medication for ADHD | Dr. John Kruse

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My guest is Dr. John Kruse, M.D., Ph.D., a psychiatrist specializing in treating people with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). We discuss the many stimulant and nonstimulant ADHD medications available, covering both their potential benefits and risks. We also explore behavioral approaches to managing ADHD, the key role of maintaining a consistent sleep-wake schedule, and the impact of exercise, fish oil supplementation, and video games on ADHD. Additionally, we examine the genetic and environmental factors contributing to the rise in adult and child ADHD diagnoses and offer various options to consider if you or someone you know is struggling with focus.



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People Mentioned

  • Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: Hungarian-American psychologist, known as the "father offlow"
  • Aaron Beck: Americanpsychiatrist, founder of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT)
  • Adam Gazzaley: professorof neurology, University of California, San Francisco

About this Guest

Dr. John Kruse

John Kruse, M.D., Ph.D., is a neuroscientist and psychiatrist who specializes in treating individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

  • 00:00:00 Dr. John Kruse
  • 00:02:11 Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • 00:05:37 Genetics & Environment; COVID Pandemic & ADHD Diagnoses
  • 00:11:43 Sponsors: Eight Sleep & Joovv
  • 00:14:26 ADHD, Interest & Careers
  • 00:20:40 Social Media & Distractibility; ADHD & Lifespan Effect
  • 00:27:39 Hyperfocus, Flow States
  • 00:33:45 Tools: 4 Essential Behaviors for ADHD; Regular Meal Schedule
  • 00:41:06 Sponsor: AG1
  • 00:42:21 Tool: Regular Sleep Timing; Stimulants & Sleep
  • 00:48:06 Insomnia; Tools: Bedtime Structure, Exercise, Phones, Breathing
  • 00:52:30 Nighttime Waking Up; Cyclic Sighing
  • 00:56:35 Exercise; Addiction, Risk, Kids & Stimulants; Catecholamines & Focus
  • 01:04:32 Ritalin, Stimulants, Amphetamines; Amphetamine-Induced Psychosis & Risks
  • 01:16:46 Sponsor: LMNT
  • 01:18:03 Adult ADHD & Medications; Stimulants & Cardiovascular Risk?
  • 01:26:06 Adult ADHD Medication Choices, Psychosis, Cannabis
  • 01:33:49 ADHD Symptoms, Nicotine; Caffeine, Energy Drinks, L-Theanine
  • 01:43:28 Fish Oil, Cardiac Effects & ADHD, Tool: Fish Oil Dose, EPA vs DHA
  • 01:49:38 Sponsor: Mateina
  • 01:51:04 Gut Microbiome
  • 01:52:56 ADHD & Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Tool: Task List System
  • 01:57:52 Video Games, Neurofeedback, ADHD Benefit?, Tool: Technology Restriction
  • 02:02:26 Guanfacine, Clonidine, Hypertension, Effects & Timeframe
  • 02:10:13 Modafinil, History & Forms, Dependence
  • 02:19:02 Drug Holidays; Short- vs Long-Acting Drugs, Addiction, Vyvanse
  • 02:28:56 Time Perception, ADHD, Circadian Rhythm Disruption, Phototherapy
  • 02:35:39 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter

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