Essentials: How Hormones Shape Sexual Development
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In this Huberman Lab Essentials episode, I explain the crucial role hormones play in shaping the sexual development of both the brain and body.
I discuss how biological masculinization and feminization depend on factors such as genetics, hormone ratios, and receptor availability. I also explore how hormones like testosterone, estrogen, and other steroid hormones influence sexual characteristics and brain development. Additionally, I examine the impact of environmental factors—such as herbicides like atrazine, cannabis, alcohol, and even cell phones—on hormone function and reproductive health.
Huberman Lab Essentials are short episodes (approximately 30 minutes) focused on key science and protocol takeaways from past Huberman Lab episodes. Essentials are released every Thursday, while full-length episodes continue to be released every Monday.
- Steroid 5α-Reductase Deficiency in Man: An Inherited Form of Male Pseudohermaphroditism (Science)
- Atrazine induces complete feminization and chemical castration in male African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)
- Evidence for decreasing quality of semen during past 50 years (British Medical Journal)
- Estrogen masculinizes neural pathways and sex-specific behaviors (Cell)
- Toxicology and carcinogenesis studies in Sprague Dawley (Hsd:Sprague Dawley SD) rats exposed to whole-body radio frequency radiation at a frequency (900 MHz) and modulations (GSM and CDMA) used by cell phones (National Toxicology Program)
- Effects of mobile phone usage on sperm quality – No time-dependent relationship on usage: A systematic review and updated meta-analysis (Environmental Research)
Other Resources
- The Science of Healthy Hair, Hair Loss and How to Regrow Hair (Huberman Lab Episode)
- Dr. Shanna Swan: How to Safeguard Your Hormone Health & Fertility (Huberman Lab Episode)
People Mentioned
- Tyrone Hayes: Professor of Integrative Biology, University of California Berkley
- Stephen Glickman: Professor of Integrative Biology, University of California Berkley
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