Dr. Natalie Crawford: Female Hormone Health, Fertility & Vitality
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In this episode, my guest is Natalie Crawford, MD, a double board-certified physician specializing in obstetrics and gynecology, fertility and reproductive health and host of the “As a Woman” podcast. We discuss female hormones, nutrition, supplementation, reproductive health, and fertility, including how the timing and duration of puberty impact a woman’s long-term hormone cycles and menopause. We also discuss the pros and cons of various birth control methods and how hormonal vs. non-hormonal birth control each affects fertility. We cover the factors that impact egg and sperm quality and how to leverage timing for conception. We also discuss procedures to assess female fertility, including egg count and hormone testing, the process of egg freezing, in vitro fertilization (IVF) and other reproductive options. This episode represents fairly comprehensive coverage of female hormones and reproductive health, highlighting important tests and screening, behavioral, nutritional, supplement and prescription-based tools that women of any age can use to improve their fertility, hormone function and overall health.
- Oral contraceptive use in women changes preferences for male facial masculinity and is associated with partner facial masculinity (Psychoneuroendocrinology)
- Intake of protein-rich foods in relation to outcomes of infertility treatment with assisted reproductive technologies (The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition)
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Dr. Natalie Crawford
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